Energy Healing

I have been practicing energy healing over a decade. I have been attuned to Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Vortex Healing.

Reiki is a Japanese word that means sacred or spiritual energy. Ki is that life energy or universal energy that is cultivated and used in the art of Reiki. The term “universal” is not just the energy in this solar system.” Eden reminds us that Albert Einstein’s formula E=MC2 is the scientific evidence of this concept. Ki is an essence we are born with. Nevertheless, Reiki is a practice which can only be mastered through attunements and dedicated practice on the development of one’s personal energy.

This universal energy is quite universal indeed. However, many different names are used to describe it. Ki is a Japanese word but in China the same universal energy is called Qi or Chi (Ch’i). In India and Tibet the word prana is the same universal energy, but used in relation to energy healing and yoga practices. In Native American cultures the Iroquois people call this energy Orenda and the Lakotas call it wakan. The Sufis call this same energy baraka, the Polynesian Hunas call it mana, the Ituri Pygmies call it megbe, the Christians call it the Holy Spirit, and in Hebrew it is called Ruach. All of these names point to the same idea of universal energy.

Ki is also used in traditional Japanese martial arts such as judo, karate, kendo, aikido, toate, and shintaido. It is also the main principle in johrei and mahikari. Hospitals in China have an herbal unit, an acupuncture unit, and a unit devoted to Qi healing and Qi Gong. Some modern hospitals in the West are beginning to talk about energy medicine and healing as an option. The world of alternative medicine is widely accepting energy healing therapies such as Reiki. Furthermore, yoga and martial arts use the same universal energy by a different name, both of which have spread throughout the modern world with respect and recognition. However, the Japanese art of Reiki is a particular method of cultivating and using this energy to heal or to make whole. The concept of Ki is universal, but the art of Reiki is unique.

The healing aspects of Reiki often overbear the significance of the personal developmental aspects of the art. Too often people read about Ki and then begin to try healing others without cultivating Ki in their own body. One cannot properly heal another being’s energy without first developing healthy Ki in his or her own body. 

What’s The Difference Between Karuna And Usui Reiki

As a general definition, Karuna Reiki is a higher vibrational system than Usui Reiki Rhoyo.

But this doesn’t mean it’s better or more powerful.

It is what is.

Like we evolve through practicing Reiki and we discover new ways of applying it, Karuna Reiki was developed in 1995 by Master William Lee Rand with the help of some of his students. William Lee Rand and his students took this approach to a whole new level and found a new system that is simply different.

The word itself “Karuna” is of Sanskrit origin. It is related to the generic ideas and meanings of unconditional love, compassion, and spiritual evolution.

To make things more clear, Karuna refers to helping yourself as well as others because we are all one. In helping yourself heal you want to help others too because we are interconnected.

This process will extend even further, influencing many people, and in return, you will benefit as well.

About VortexHealing® Divine Energyhealing

VortexHealing® is an ancient healing art which aims to resolve our issues at a root level, while also intending to ripen
the self towards spiritual awakening. Vortex Healing can be used to address deep emotional and mental patterns.
It can also work on a physical level, as well as with all aspects of the body’s energy system including the chakras,
energy pathways and energy bodies.

We can often feel isolated and apart from our family, friends and other people experiencing ourselves as separate beings,
despite the fact that in our core we are the essence of life itself. Vortexhealing ® offers us a way to awaken to this essence,
to this true being-ness.

VortexHealing® History and Purpose

VortexHealing® was rediscovered in 1994 by Ric Weinman.  The focus of VortexHealing ® was originally solely on healing.  After Ric Weinman experienced his own spiritual awakening in 2002 however,  he began soon afterwards to facilitate other people’s journeys through their own awakening process.

These two aspects are now central to the goals and philosophy of VortexHealing®.

About VortexHealing® Divine Energyhealing

VortexHealing® is an ancient healing art which aims to resolve our issues at a root level, while also intending to ripen
the self towards spiritual awakening. Vortex Healing can be used to address deep emotional and mental patterns.
It can also work on a physical level, as well as with all aspects of the body’s energy system including the chakras,
energy pathways and energy bodies.

We can often feel isolated and apart from our family, friends and other people experiencing ourselves as separate beings,
despite the fact that in our core we are the essence of life itself. Vortexhealing ® offers us a way to awaken to this essence,
to this true being-ness.

VortexHealing® History and Purpose

VortexHealing® was rediscovered in 1994 by Ric Weinman.  The focus of VortexHealing ® was originally solely on healing.  After Ric Weinman experienced his own spiritual awakening in 2002 however,  he began soon afterwards to facilitate other people’s journeys through their own awakening process.

These two aspects are now central to the goals and philosophy of VortexHealing®.